Injury Risk Evaluation

Predict your risk for injury from sports, falls or accidents and correct those issues with a functional movement screen


8 million recreational injuries per year

2.8 million require hospitalization

Recreational injuries are on the rise. You may not understand your own body mechanics for a particular sport or activity. Without guidance, small dysfunctions can become serious injuries resulting in up to 6 months of recovery.

Keep doing what you do by avoiding injury

Screening makes all the difference

See how the functional movement screen works.

Functional Movement Screen

The technical name for BreakThrough's Injury Risk Evaluation is the Functional Movement Screen. Our PTs are very proud of their FMS certification, the gold standard for physical fitness screening. Used by professional athletes, it provides you with a better understanding of your movement patterns and way you can correct them and prevent future injury.

Schedule your Injury Risk Evaluation.

It only takes 40 minutes.